
December 18th 2023

With Decemberlicht, the duo Kroft&Smids brings light into the dark days around Christmas and New Year's Eve by using projections at various locations in Leeuwarder city center to transform buildings into places where stories are told in words or images. A poem on a bare wall, a beautiful quote on a monument, a facade that becomes a movie screen....

Kroft&Smids consists of Karina Kroft and Remko Smids. When, during the first corona-lockdown in the spring of 2020, everything was at a standstill, Karina Kroft and Remko Smids projected the meters-high text "Only in darkness can you see the stars" on an apartment building in Leeuwarden. The first gesture of a series of seventy consecutive evenings of hopeful projections at various locations in and around Leeuwarden. A new love was born: light projections in public space to encourage, surprise and touch people.

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